if jesus is busy

text: ernst arnold, arthur kaps
musik: ernst arnold
waun da heagod ned wü
engl. text: w.v.wizlsperger

you sink that se world is se best place to dwell
but life isent easy between heaven and hell
so take it or leave it it's all up to you
'cause se meaning of life is just to go sru

so we hope and we strive tryin again and again
but whatever we try is mostly in vain
so don't puzzle your head, the conclusion is clear:
hold out to the end cause you're forced to be here

but if jesus is busy it's useless
don't complain, stake your claim, don't blow your fuses
cause it's always the same story until judgement day
feelin high up in april an' shot down in may
if jesus is busy it's useless
don't be cruel, just stay cool, hold your fuses
keep your head high, don't panic
'cause we all have to die
yes'n jesus, he always knows why

life gave me a lesson and i'll give it to you
it always goes differently as you think it should do
so you never should say: it has to! and i will!
cause the lord will decide and you have to hold still

don't wrangle with fate just like donald duck
don't always envy an otherones luck
take things as they come, keep on rollin' your wheels
the last word is spoken in heavenly fields

but if jesus is busy it's useless
don't complain, stake your claim, don't blow your fuses
cause it's always the same story until judgement day
feelin high up in april an' shot down in may
waun da heagod ned wü nutzt des goa niggs
sei ned bös, ned neawös, sog es woa niggs
renn ned imma fadsweifüd und komplett kopflos herum
weu da heagod waß imma warum